Great post Jim. I am one of those people that leans towards natural remedies and letting the body heal itself. That being said, I believe that traditional medicine and natural remedies have a meeting point.

As I see it there are a few things that are wrong with medicine, and with our perception of it in general.

1.) People expect to go to the doctor, and get a pill that will instantly cure whatever their problem is. No matter that they eat a crap diet, don't exercise, don't nourish their body.

2.) People will just do whatever a doctor says without questioning it. I don't have a medical degree, and I respect that the doctor does. However there is just far too much to know in the medical world to expect that the doctor has it all memorized.

3.) In following #2, make sure you question your doctor about treatment. Ask them why they prescribed what they did, why they want that treatment plan. You should know exactly what benefits and potential problems you will face with a treatment plan.

Originally Posted By wandering_daisy
My younger daughter is a teacher and every child expects her to remember them!

Your doctor may remember you, but that doesn't mean they remember everything about you.

4.) Many health professionals forget that they are in a service based industry. You should feel confident and happy with your doctor. If you don't, find another doctor. There is more to a doctor / patient relationship than just the diagnosis.

To sum it all up, you should be completely informed about your medical situation. Information is key. You should have a good enough relationship with your doctor that you feel comfortable saying no to them. And they should respect you enough that if you have an informed reason for saying no, they can accept it. They don't have to like it, just accept it.

Edited by Cstolworthy (08/04/10 09:06 AM)
A tent is a bad place for an argument, because when you are angry you walk out and slam the flap. How are you supposed to express your anger in this situation? Zip it up really quick? ~Mitch Hedberg