Tarptents are an interesting, innovative design. I've owned one (Rainbow), but ended up choosing a Hubba (and eventually a Carbon Reflex 1) instead.

The Tarptent was light (but only a couple ounces lighter than the Carbon Reflex 1); it was also half again as roomy. It was well-made, stable, and a real contender. However, I chose the Hubba/CR1 because it was a double-wall tent. That choice had nothing to do with condensation, but everything to do with ventilation. Any tent, under humid conditions, with the fly closed, will have condensation issues (though my experience with the CR1 is that it has fewer issues than any other tent I've used, for reasons I haven't yet figured out.) But, in truly hot and humid conditions in Ohio (which means bugs, too), when it's not going to rain, I can leave the fly off. The inner tent is about 95% mesh, which means the ventilation is about as close as you can come to "outdoors." With the Tarptent, I didn't have the option for 95% mesh, and the tent would heat up under those conditions.

That's the logic of my choice. I'm sure the other two posters who prefer the tarptent under summer-in-Ohio conditions have equally logical reasons for their choice. In the end, it comes down to your style and preferences, not ours, so don't make a decision until you hear why they chose the Tarptent.