As I lay there, it was as if someone had fired up a blowtorch and was putting the finishing touch on a dessert of crème brulee in my pants.

LOL laugh


I guess that is why I try to always keep the spray in the vestibule area and the holstered gun in the tent as a dishcharge of any amount of spray would incapacitate the campers and it would be difficult to clean up the tent. I think that if a bear or criminal were to attack through the tent, spray would not be as effective because of the enclosed area, therefore rendering the defender unable to see and hardly able to breathe from the coughing and nasal drainage.

But that was a very funny story - I hope you have recovered... grin

Edited by akluvitlivit (07/29/10 09:50 PM)
“If you can find a path with no obstacles, it probably doesn’t lead anywhere.”
-- Frank A. Clark