I agree with less is more. It is something I always think about when I go backpacking also.

All these things we surround ourselves with, the materialism and the hypocritical society that has been constructed, is so out of wack and out of touch with what we actually need. When you cast all those things away, strip your psyche of the walls it has built out of the projections of society, you realize that the human world is just way more complicated than it needs to be.

We need to fine tune our society. Simplify the machine. It will never happen.

It's funny though. The nature of the universe seems to be one of chaos and order, working in perfect conjunction. I see that as an accurate reflection of human society. Maybe our selfish and fearful human ego fits into the universal plan somehow? After all the earth can't all be rainbows and fluffy clouds, humans had to be created to balance things out. Eradicate certain species of plants and animals. Atomic radiation causing gene mutations. Maybe we are the forest fire here just to burn the duff from the forest floor. To cleans it, and create new life. Nothing new nothing special, it is just what the universe does...

Chaos and order, you can see it in human society around the world, you can see it in quantum physics and in the behavior of galaxies.

Whoa ok I kind of ranted there.... grin

I don't know if I am saying less is more anymore, but I sure don't need a lot to be happy