Originally Posted By midnightsun03
The biggest problem with healthcare today is that we have too high of expectations of the knowledge of our medical providers.

That is perfectly put.

I've tried to tell people that for decades now, that and that they must take some personal responsibility to research health problems themselves, the causes and treatments, and the remedies offered, their effectiveness, including drugs and surgeries.

It's not that hard to tell an MD "No, I will not take that drug for this problem". Or to ask them to evaluate your condition again for a cause you may have read about. Or to prescribe a drug you know to work better than what they offered.

And I'm a believer in chiropractic therapies myself. I've only visited one, a little over 20 years ago. I was in a lot of pain back then, so I listened to him. My alternative was prescription drugs or surgery and I knew that neither was a cure. I had researched it.

More than anything, the chiropractor I saw gave me great advice on how to heal myself, and to prevent the sciatic nerve problem I had from returning. I still follow his advice and have never had a problem since.

I'm really glad you found a good healer Jim. As MS said, that's getting to be a rare thing.

And MS, that is a great post and a great story about the doctor who asked you for feedback on what you might learn, that and the lesson on your knee are perfect examples of why we need to take responsibility for our health.


"You want to go where?"