Heck my doctor didn't say PT was a waste for most people. What he said was that I was too much of an animal already to send me to PT, instead I was ordered to rehabiltate LESS. I was told that the body has amazing healiong powers for those who can overcome the pain and the associated laziness that comes with it. I didn't need PT.

For example, my achilles tendon contracted while my leg was in the Alazarove device and he wanted to take me into surgery to straighten it out under general, instead I took 2 vicodins, stood on my toe, bounced, and felt the tendon suddenly stretch half an inch - exactly back into position. My knee was locked at 40 derees from straight. 2 vicodin, a long hot bath, full weight on knee, and in one minute - straight leg. Most people would require months of PT or surgery. The point he was making was that if you work consistently on rehab, you don't need a PT. If pain stops you, then go to a PT so he or she can hurt you.
Jim YMMV but I know you PIKA, yer tough as a boiled spotted owl, so just take it esy, it will take time, but if you keep at it, it will heal.
These are my own opinions based on wisdom earned through many wrong decisions. Your mileage may vary.