I find that when I'm in the backcountry, most "civilized" things annoy me (reading, listening to music, cell phones, alcohol, and even - to a limited extent - cameras.) Therefore, I don't indulge.

But it doesn't particularly bother me if someone else wants to do those things - as long as they don't require me to be involved. So, an iPod with speakers would upset me; and iPod with earbuds wouldn't. The guy 25 feet away with the guitar and off-key rendition of "Kumbaya" annoys me; the guy whistling or humming softly to himself, not so much. Having to stop and pose because someone thinks it would make a good picture is a pain; being in someone's candid shot, taken without my knowledge, is no problem (unless I'm watering a tree or testing the plumbing facilities of a log.)

Being old, I'm allowed to be a practicing curmudgeon.