I've used them extensivley for over 15 years, in all seasons, and in all conditions. Overall they are outstanding. But new technology has caught up and passed them. The big plus was space for weight. The original BD meg mids were first, but their walls were tough, harsh slant, but lightweight. The best was the MH Kiva. Three or 4 people at 4 lbs, using our old avy poles as trekking poles and center pole. Huge amount of space, 5 sided made for great headroom and open space inside, good ventilation. Couple of space blankets for the floor. Extra tie downs outside, with a lip that could be tucked into the snow to really seal the bottom. It was a great shelter. Even in the wind, the 5 sides made a huge difference. Alas, now with the new tents, its possible to beat the weight, have a floor, and have bug protection. I miss being able to cook inside though. Teepees work, but like everything, they have a season, and it might have passed...
I dare you to move, like today never happened...