It's all about comfort, not looks! It's the pack that fits YOU (and carries your gear comfortably) and the shoes that fit YOU that are important. Fashion has no place on the trail! It's bad enough that many of us ruin our feet in the workplace and on social occasions without doing it out on the trail!

Before you go any further, If you haven't already found them, read the excellent articles on lightening your pack and on gear selection listed in the left-hand column of, the home page of this site. Please note especially the advice about purchasing your pack last so it fits the rest of your gear!

Another good site for gear selection is Mark Verber's website. Lots of ideas for gear, from the latest technology to ultra-low-budget alternatives. Also tons of links to reviews and other sites.

Most of us wear trail runners instead of boots these days. I made the switch from boots to trail runners a little over a year ago and would never go back (well, I still wear the boots when hiking in snow, but not otherwise). Yes, the colors are awful (most women's trail runners feature my two least favorite colors, what I call "bink and burple"). Fortunately, a half an hour on a dusty trail (even if it isn't muddy) takes care of that problem!
May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view--E. Abbey