I like to physically and mentally test myself and learn from difficult experiences. In the last few days I have gone out in bad weather and done two training rides on my bikes. One day the wind was so fierce it would actually skid my back tire on the gravel (we were under a high wind/tornado watch). That day I did 44 miles on my moutain bike on dirt roads.

Friday I did 73 miles in 95 degree heat and high winds out on my road bike on the eastern plains of CO. I ran out of water twice and there isn't much in the way of civilization out there.

The reason I did it was to make myself physically and mentally tough for the Leadville 100 mountain bike race. I push myself in training so that the bad weather, altitude, and distance don't get me down during the race. When you've pushed your comfort limits the obstacles presented in backpacking, cycling, whatever don't seem so great.
