I do not agree that if you have had a night out you have done something wrong. The reason that we carry "essentials" is that we realise that sometimes things beyond our control happen. Say you are on difficult off-trail day-hike from your backpack base camp and you sprain an ankle near your farthest point from camp so would be too slow to make it back to camp before dark. There is off-trail terrain that is not safe to travel with a headlamp - better to wait until daylight. And there are unexpected difficulties that can simply exhaust you. It may be safer to rest and resume travel in the morning. Climbers get "caught" more than backpackers, especially if you are trying to put up first routes. In some ways there is no such thing as an "unplanned" night out, because if you carry the "10 essentials" or equivelent, you are planning on a small chance of getting caught out. If you carry "essentials", how do you know they are sufficient? A test night out with only day-gear is a very useful exercise.