Originally Posted By OldScout
I much rather treat my clothes once before I leave for the trip rather than having to apply the stuff directly to my skin three times a day.

I agree. I currently use BioUD for that. But like I said, it's smelly.

I also spray it on the inside of my clothes, especially places where ticks like to bite, like underarms, crotch, behind the knees.

I'll say this, if I spray my clothing with BioUD and don't spray my skin with anything, I won't get bit near as much if at all. It's effectiveness fades fast after about 3 days, but it does still work better than nothing up to 5 days.

But permethrin does work better. It does kill ticks while they're climbing on you. BioUD does not do that.

Just out of curiosity, has anyone cross checked the symptoms of Gulf War Syndrome against those of overexposure to permethrin?

NityOwl is right, all those soldiers were given clothing that contained some pretty high levels of the stuff, and they wore them constantly.

You have to be careful with that stuff... If you're going to use it I'd follow NityOwl's advice about applying it.


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