Everybody has different cooking styles, personally, I just boil water and use it for re-hydrated meals. There are lots of websites on this forum about trail cooking.

My typical day would be energy bars (Balance, Cliff etc) for breakfast, lunch and snacking. For dinner I have a hot meal (pasta, coos-cous, Mountain House meals, instant mash etc). If I am feel like more gourmet then I may pack in some oatmeal for breakfast. Granola is good also. For protain I have been known to just take the powder (Whey) and add it to my food and drink. If you want to pack in packet Tuna, then they also have other items like packets of chicken etc that you can bring.

For water-- I bring just one 2L platypus, for dryer sections I will add a second 2L. For filtration and purification I use a combination of Micropur tablets and the frontier pro filter.

There is nothing wrong with your stove. I own one and unless you don't want to go the alky (soda) stove route then you are fine with the stove you have.