I usually use a mix of Tanka Bars, proBars, and Clif Bars which I snack on throughout the day. By constantly snacking, as opposed to eating a whole bar every once in a while, I manage to keep fairly constant levels of blood sugar and calorie intake. I also love being able to mix up the flavors each day with the different clif bars as my main energy supply during the day.

I can't do GORP or other forms of trail mix because I get sick of it within the first day out. I just can't stand most commercial dried fruits (I don't have the funds for my own dehydrator yet); they taste too much like plastic. As for the nuts part, they pretty much all taste the same to me and I get sick of them quickly too. I can eat GORP maybe once a month max. Any more and I get sick to my stomach.

For the record, I eat proBars for breakfast, clifBars as snacks during the day, and tanka bars as a quick protien boost around mid-day. I have a full rehydrated hot meal for dinner.