Yes, Bill, I would have said the same thing. One of the things we try to maintain here is a civil dialogue. People can disagree about things vehemently, but when it veers off into personal attacks, even of a general nature, that is where I draw the line.

If people want to post random attacks on entire groups of people, there are plenty of places on the net to do so. I post on a couple of political sites and call out groups of people all the time, but TLB isn't the place for that in my opinion. That may seem hypocritical, but it is a matter of context.

Lawyers don't get very far calling the other side names, even if they deserve it, and often they do. Your job is to make a legal argument, not argue that the other person is a moron; that's not much of an argument.

Don't get me started, you know how I get.