Originally Posted By Trailrunner

I didn't want to pop ibuprofin every time I went running for the rest of my life. So I went shopping for over the counter orthotics to adress the root cause. I have almost no longitudinal arch in either foot. I tried 3 or 4 different designs with no luck. And then I found a Dr. Scholl's product at Walmart and BAM......my problem was gone in a couple of weeks. I have worn them ever since, all the time. I own 5 pairs or so. I was lucky. I found what works for me.

Is this the relatively new "computerized semi-custom" insert? Or is it one of the more familiar off the shelf products?

I have some semi-custom ones selected by the computerized thing and they are OK. They feel better than any of the superfeet inserts because the "professional fitters" always gave me the green ones "because I was backpacking" but the green ones are "high arch" models, and my arch isn't high.