I was plagued with plantar fasciitis for a couple of years and it caused me to miss more than one race. A couple of doctor's visits and cortisone shots did not clear it up. A course of oral corticosteroids prescribed for a bad case of poison oak did wonders......for a few days.

I didn't want to pop ibuprofin every time I went running for the rest of my life. So I went shopping for over the counter orthotics to address the root cause. I have almost no longitudinal arch in either foot. I tried 3 or 4 different designs with no luck. And then I found a Dr. Scholl's product at Walmart and BAM......my problem was gone in a couple of weeks. I have worn them ever since, all the time. I own 5 pairs or so. I was lucky. I found what works for me.
If you only travel on sunny days you will never reach your destination.*

* May not apply at certain latitudes in Canada and elsewhere.