Originally Posted By Bushman
I used three different alcohol stove over the summer and thought they all work great. I like the kind that dont require pot stand but there are some disadvantages to that. Anyway I didn't have any issues with them what so ever and on all three boiled water in the 8-9 minutes marks. Fuel is cheap and I have even got water to boil when its near and bellow freezing.
However, just the past few nights with a jetboil and I am sold. Melted snow super quick and obviously boiled water super quick. For boiling water I really dont think it can be beat, especially solo during the summer. I have used other canister stoves and really wasn't impressed, even though the jet boil seems gimmicky(kinda is) its very practical. There might be some jet boil hate but from an alcohol stove user I highly recommend it.

Note if I were doing multi day trips with resupply point I would go alcohol, HEET is fairly common in gas stations.

what volume of water were you boiling that it took 9 minutes?
Light, Cheap, Durable...
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