The pack I use now has a lid compartment, so it all goes in there. When I used a Vapor Trail, my water bottle and water filter went in the two outside pockets. First aid kit went in a small zippered Granite Gear pouch (they call them Air Pockets); map, headlamp, glasses, and compass went in a larger pouch; TP, hand sanitizer, and trowel in a third one. Those went inside the main pack, on the top. My knife, spare batteries, and repair items were part of the first aid kit. I also had a second light: a Princeton Tec Pilot light, which clipped nicely onto the webbing on the shoulder strap, so I always knew where it was. Gloves and stocking cap were usually on my hands and head, if they came along; otherwise, they went in a small stuff sack which also lived near the top of the pack, or got shoved into an outside pocket with the water bottle or filter.