The subject of seeing your feet comes up now and then regarding front packs. The Aarn pack solves the problem by splitting the front pack into what looks like two large breasts. It must work or Nature would have rejected the design long ago.

I have used a single front bag for over ten years now, however, and have found the "can't see the feet" problem to be no problem at all.....for me. I've used it on trails and for cross country backpacking.

I think my natural tendency is to look at the trail a few feet ahead of me and that image then guides my feet safely through whatever is ahead. I don't really look directly down at my feet. If I want to look at something near my toes it is easy to look around the bag or pull the bag temporarily to one side to improve visibility. All of this just happened naturally. I don't recall having any trouble with it, even when I first started using the bag.

Perhaps Nature has dealt with this issue already. A person with a large belly (e.g. fat or pregnant) can't see his/her feet very well either......but he/she keeps on walking.