BPL TiWing esbit stove. (now available to the mass media thanks to light my fire and REI) have used mine for 5 years now and still going strong.

BPL 550 mug with handles

Zpack Zilch pack

And of all the tarps, tents and shelters I have. I love, love my SMD Lunar solo. (mine is the original old school one from 2005) I take it out at half a dozen times a year. It makes a great early spring and late fall shelter or if I just want to take it just because.

End2End trail gram weenie pro alcy stove.
By far the best one out of the couple of hundred I have used. It is a scoach below the BPL TiWing. And for those of you that know me, even to say I like and alcy stove let alone like cooking with one is a feat of itself.

DriDucks jacket. I use that thing all the time when I am out on the trail.

OK I'll stop there

Edited by mugs (03/12/10 11:20 PM)
I miss my 4.8lb base weight as a ground dweller. But I sure don't miss the ground.