#1-Warbonnet Blackbird, hands down the best hammock ever made (thanks, Brandon!!!!!).

#2-My Utilikilt and my old Stillwater synthetic blend kilt (have yet to really use my new Mountain Hardwear ElKomando Kilt).

#3-Two Custom made quilts... 26 oz. 30 degree ClimaShield Combat "Bigfoot" quilt:
And my custom made dog quilt for my best friend (in photo stream):


#4-An old Open Country aluminum pot that i bought at St. Vinny's for $.99 ten years ago...lighter than any titanium pot at similar capacity and has an awesomely cool fold out handle.

#5-A toss up between my Golite Dome umbrella and my old Mora fixed blade knife (THE perfect survival knife, imho).

#6- Ursack spectra bear bag.


Edited by bigfoot2 (03/12/10 07:57 AM)
Hammockers aren't stuck up, they're just above it all.