Originally Posted By GrumpyGord
I do find it interesting how most of us solo backpackers keep telling new folks about all the usual rules. Leave a plan, carry extra food, carry a first aid kit etc. Then we pretty much ignore the advice for ourselves. We tell our family where we will be however they do not realize that the description narrows it down to +/- 20 miles. I know that I have left my wife phone numbers on Friday night for an office I know will not be open until Monday noon. Our first aid kit consists of moleskin and band aids.

I am going to disagree rather strongly with this statement. I typically hand my wife an exact description of my route, or a photocopy of a topo that goes on the fridge - yes, when I'm off trail that's not *exact* but it's more than enough to get rescue to the area I will be. I also have two hiking literate buddies on my list who always get the email as well, and my wife knows to call them for help if I am overdue or she's concerned. I also typically give her a range of expected time that I expect to return, and a time by which she needs to call for help if the worst happens. I normally give my
wife the numbers for any district ranger's office, or if
not applicable or closed, the local RCMP post. There is
*always* something open to report someone overdue.

Sometimes I tell her I will be in one of two or three places - if I'm going somewhere where I'll make a decision based on conditions. If so, I try to let her know by sms or cell if
possible before starting, but sometimes that's not possible. Who cares? a list of 2 or 3 possible trips is *much* better than "somewhere out in the mountains".

My "first aid kit" is not "moleskin and bandaids" it's all that, 4x4 gauze, some painkillers, trekking poles, duct tape, Tshirts, cord, line, swiss army knife, and a Personal Locator Beacon. Anyone who thinks they can carry an immense first aid kit and do self surgery on battlefield wounds while solo, or will need to, is frankly, delusional. My first aid kit has everything in it to deal with any sort of injury I hope to be competent to treat myself in the field and there is NO POINT in carrying stuff that an emergency room physician or paramedic might be able to use but not me (especially on myself, while hurt) Carry the weight of a PLB instead.

So while I see a few of you saying you don't do this, and you all have your reasons personally be they general irascability or the thought that leaving info for loved ones puts a cramp on your style, I don't agree with it - and sanctioning it in a beginners forum is quite simply, irresponsible.
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