Cook, you've got to be kidding me. You're talking to a Texan.

It's not just a hat.

We have Cowboy hats: felt or straw? If felt, 5x all the way up to 20X beaver; Stetson, Resistol, Bailey or custom, what style?

We have caps (baseball style) - felt or summer weave nylon.

We have winter caps - flat caps, Elmer Fudd's, bombers, etc.

A toque is sometimes called a 'toboggan' around here. Very weird. I don't want a sled on my head. smile

But, also down here all soft drinks are referred to as a coke.
"You want a coke?"
"Yeah, gimme a Dr. Pepper."
If you think you can, you can. If you think you can't, you can't. Either way, you're right.