Originally Posted By JPete
This process is not helped by the fact that I am in Canada and our topos are 1:54 instead of the US standard of 1:25. Hope the sites given cover southern Ontario.


That does complicate things a bit. But, there are some maps on GPSFileDepot that cover Ontario. Not sure if any of them will be what you need though. Garmin does sell a mapset for Canada, but that will cost you.

You may have the best luck by using Google Earth and zooming in as close as you can before the images get too pixelized and try to visually pick up the trail off the satellite images. It's truly amazing what you can see from those images. And, many times you can spot the slight differences in vegatation patterns or coloring to tell where a little used trail or or even an animal trail is. May even help to change the perspective in the program and view in 3D with a slight angle (play around with the control in the top right corner of the screen, the one with the North [N] indicator). GE is a pretty amazing program. Even has a flight simulator and star chart build into it. Just look thru the program menus.

Hope you can find what you're looking for.