I'm tempted to do something like this, except it wouldn't be an ebook reader like you're looking at, it'd be a small tablet pc. The Fujitsu u810/u820 weight about 1.5 lbs. The greatest advantage to me is that I can take any book, scan it in, and read it normally because the pdf's are simply pictures. I believe most ebook readers require text so that it can be reflowed, which wouldn't be suitable for me. The u810 would allow me to carry around guidebooks, survival books, novels and anything else I can fit onto the drive. Other advantages are that I can use it as a gps with full blown navigation software, I can use it to upload/download stuff to my handheld gps, I can write up logs to quickly post up to a blog as soon as I get into town and do email there as well without having to find a public computer.

The greatest downside to carrying around a tablet is shorter battery life....probably around 6 hours on a battery if I totally optimize it. The next is bringing around the charger, if I want more power while out on the trail, a solar charger. I suppose if I planned really well on something like the PCT, I could get spare batteries sent to me in supply boxes.

I may get one anyway. I've seen used u810's go for $300, which is about the same as some ebook readers, and infinitely more useful for me.