Originally Posted By bigsac
I recently bought an official Thermarest regular size stuff sack for my regular size NeoAir. Sometimes I wish I would have bought the shorty NeoAir, but that's a different story. Anyway, I thought the Stuff sack was a little tight, just like all the other Thermarest stuff sacks I've had for other Thermarest pads. Why do they make those things so tight?
The whole idea behind the NeoAir is small, light, but comfortable. Having a large stuff sack would negate these advantages. I actually use the small stuff sack for my regular NeoAir. It takes a bit to get it in, but the result is an incredibly small piece of gear that takes very little room in my 2000cu. in. pack. The fact that I can get a regular NeoAir in the small stuff sack is mind boggling!

I'm glad you found a solution for your problem. The Large stuff sack really isn't huge either and would make rolling the pad up much easier as you only have to fold it in half verses in thirds like the small and regular stuff sacks require. Your suggestion is very welcome and a good consideration for those who have questions about stuff sack size, ease of packing, etc. Just know the overall packed size will be bigger...
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