I only use a map. I do not even take a compass. I am however in mountains that I know very well and with easy to find features. Last year I even walked in an area that I did not bring a map (unplanned detour) and although I felt a bit anxious, I was exactly where I was supposed to be all the time (off-trail travel). I navigated by memory of looking at the maps a lot in town. I also knew the area VERY well.

My partner is a GPS user. The GPS for him has been very good. He really cannot read a map and never was particularly interested since I pretty much did all the navigating. But he loves gagets, and now is really getting into figuring out where he is. We go out for 10-11 day trips.

We often have "contests" - him with the GPS and me without - who can get back to camp the quickest. I always win. Getting from Point A to Point B is a LOT more than going the right direction. Micro-route finding is really important!

Bottom line, for me a GPS is not needed, too heavy and too unreliable. I too dislike the little screen. And because of old eyes, I cannot even see what is on the screen without taking out my reading glasses! A regular map is so much better.