To play devils advocate: while home gardens are a great idea they don't work for everyone - a big stickler in the US is home owners associations that don't allow them and more frankly, most modern homes just don't have much of a yard. Where I live we are lucky to have a real backyard, fenced, with a more open policy HOA that doesn't mind. But - you cannot rip up your front unless you keep it looking good. We are fortunate to not have a lawn rule, many HOA require lawn in front.

It isn't so simple to say: go have a home garden. Gardening is alien to so many people. Worse is if the person has no yard to rip up or the soil blows, they spend a mint in soil and or pots to grow in. It isn't cheap and efficient until a few years have gone by. (I garden in my yard but only due to I know how to do it! I grew up rural.) Our front yard has lawn but is surrounded by herbs plants. We cannot grow vegetables out front due to the shade/cedar tree that kills everything/HOA rules/neighbors that would steal our veggies. We do in the fenced in backyard.
But lets also ask just how many people know how to can, dry, preserve other ways or even know how to do basics like jam making, bread making and more. Most don't.

It is also unfair to accuse people of not buying organic food because they spend it on liquor. Unless that is a personal observation of locals....It is akin to giving folks on food stamps the evil eye because the heaven forbid buy a frozen pizza and a 2L of root beer for their kids.

Americans eat the way they do because it is cheap, easy and doesn't take a lot of thinking. Working class, where both husband and wife work full time, with many of them have the time or knowledge to cook from scratch? It is easier to eat lesser foods that at least fill you up fast and don't break the bank.

For those of us with the time, resources and knowledge we have to remember that if we look down on others it only reeks of being superior! And it doesn't make that bowl of organic carrot leek lentil stew any tastier.
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