Originally Posted By phat
If you want something reasonably light, without a lot of money to spend, forego the sleeping bag. Go to wal-mart and buy a single bed size down comforter. get a waterproof bag (turkey bag or garbage bag) to put it in in your pack.

It's not the best, but it's light, and practical. you do need to keep it dry.

Back in about 1978, one of the lab technicians joined a couple of us Heavy backpackers in a discussion. He described doing weekend backpacking in the Californai Sierra Mountains using only a daypack. No sleeping bag. He and his wife would sleep under a store bought down quilt.

At that time, we REAL backpackers simply thought he was crazy.

Now I often sleep under a quilt, a backpacking one, and am pleased that I got out of the sleeping bag for summer backpacking.

Some things take a long time to learn -- or unlearn.