I have a Deuter ACT Lite 50+10 that you can have (check it out on www.deuterusa.com.) It's only been used a couple of times, and it is adjustable for various torso lengths. I've also got a Snow Peak Gigapower stove and Mini-solo cookset you're welcome to have, along with a Thermarest Prolite 3/4-length sleeping pad. They're all in nearly new shape.

I'm not trying to sell them; I've simply accumulated more gear than I can use, and would like to see it gathering trail dust rather than basement dust. It would be a way to get you jump-started with some decent, fairly lightweight gear, and let you use the funds you do have available to perhaps buy a better quality tent or sleeping bag than you otherwise might be able to. (Look at REI-brand tents and down sleeping bags - they're not the lightest, but they're reasonably light and of decent quality, and a good value for the price.)

If you want any or all of this gear, send me a private mail with your mailing address, and I'll send it along.