As far a know the external frame is the only way to go. You can make a larger duffle bag for your sleeping gear, you wear you hunting gear. Generally we would hike in to a spot well off the roads and set up camp. I also only carry at max 10 rounds of ammo, on me...more often than not i just carry the 4 rounds i can fit in the rifle.

If you get a deer or moose you can bone them out and pack it to the car. If you find yourself at the car near dusk you can camp sleep at the car. Have two sleeping bags. Thats what we do, not really picking up camp every day but it nice to pack camp 10 or so miles away from a road, then hiking more to start the hunt.

The funny thing is half the time one of us gets a deer hiking in!

Using lighter materials hunting is not really my style, especially the gear i wear. Maybe camp gear you can get away with.

My thoughts...keep in mind i hunt in Northwestern California, smaller deer, steeper canyon/valleys.