Camping is different from budget traveling, so what you will need for both will not necessarily be the same. There are many good books on both and I highly recommend doing some reading.

The Complete Walker is the bible of backpacking. In it, author, the late Colin Fletcher and his co-author/successor, Chip Rawlins, explain all about the philosophy of camping-how to select and organize your gear into systems that work together. Buying gear at random is a bad idea, no matter what bargains you see.

Taking a huge pack traveling has its downside-it may not fit in some luggage spaces on buses or trains, may not fit in the boot of a small car if you catch a ride, probably won't fit in an airport locker and other similar size issues as you travel. Something around 3K is more like it. I loaned a friend of mine a 3K pack and she spent a couple of weeks in India with it. I mention her because women, at least this one, tend to carry more clothes than guys and 3K was fine for that environment.

A small day pack is also a good idea. You stash the big pack at the hostel or hotel and day tour around with the little one.

There are lots of websites for that kind of traveling. This isn't one of them, although some members have done that kind of traveling.

Gear and clothing selection is also very dependent on where you are going and when, so if you are on a budget, keep that in mind. You may not be able to afford gear for every condition.What that means is you may want to focus your trips on certain areas at certain times to minimize the need for a whole closet full of stuff.

Edited by TomD (09/14/09 01:15 AM)
Don't get me started, you know how I get.