These days usually MEC tripper pants. I used to wear a sportif convertable all the time, but my last pair died after west coast trail last year and a leaking bottle of chlorine dioxide water purifier in the front pocket (oops), and then they had changed them unfavorably so they didn't fit me decently anymore. For a long long time I wore the venerable MEC rad pants, but a number of years back they horribly herblocked them, removing the nice elastic cuff at the bottom and changing the belt to an elastic.. yuck!

This is about the best thing I can find that fits me well. The real trick I think is finding something comfy that fits and is durable. I perennially have Schoeller pants envy. My problem is I need a pretty low rise pant to fit me, and I've never found a set of Schoeller fabric pants with a cut that fits me - and I'm *NOT* paying $120 for a pair of pants that the crotch hangs down too far smile

I've tried cheapo pants and wind pants, and I'm just too hard on them, I shred them or split them out.

I occasionally wear shorts instead if the weather and bugs allow for it - then it's usually just a pair of lined swim trunks, and if it gets cool then it's shorts over my long underwear, something my wife just looooves when I'm in pictures that way and doesn't believe it's the height of fashion sense on the trail wink

Any fool can be uncomfortable...
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