[quote=Pika]That is pretty much what I do in country with hills and valleys. But, I have worked professionally in areas with large expanses of relatively flat forested ground, such as the boreal forests of Alaska and northern Canada. Useful landmarks can be rare in many of these places as are high points from which to view them.

I recall very vividly about, well, let's see, I was 13, so 27 years ago working my way through an area hunting solo for the first time, and walking out of a black spruce swamp I had been walking "straight" north through on game trails on a cloudy day. I got out of the crap and checked my compass.. I was walking south.... I had some serious thought to put through my 13 year old head before I believed it, and realized "yes, you indeed can walk in a complete circle and not notice at all in this weather". and go back through the black spruce again...

Darn good thing my dad had drilled through my head not to get prideful or stupid when it happened.. and that it would wink

Any fool can be uncomfortable...
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