No problem. I figured that you were only talking about periods of heavy exercise.

After I get my the results from blood tests and consult with the primary-care doctor, I want to try to work in a weekend backpack (5-8 mile hiking day, camping by the car, just in case.) I'm going to try a modification to my diet, and I suspect I'll have to adopt a more disciplined approach to the walking part. Now, I tend to hike until I want a break (sometimes one hour, sometimes nothing till lunch, etc.); I also tend to vary my pace from a relaxed one mile (or less) per hour to a two-mph, get-this-over pace. I want to start adopting a more steady pace (maybe a mile and a half an hour), take a standing break (long enough to drink some water) every half hour or so, and a sitting break every two hours, to eat a granola bar or dried fruit or nuts. Lunch will probably be more regularly scheduled, and will involve stopping for an hour or so to rest. (Now, I sometimes just let it be a 10-minute break, and spread part of the food into the morning and afternoon breaks.)

It's a new world. Obviously, I'll follow whatever medical advice I get. However, my approach is to acknowledge that I can't "beat" diabetes, so I'm going to make it as least intrusive as possible into my life.