The odds of someone like me, a greenhorn, getting lost,mauled,etc. are much greater than they are for someone with your experience.

I suspect, Marc, that a rank greenhorn is a lot less likely to get in trouble than is the typical, semi-experienced, cocky young male. By this I mean a reasonably fit male 15 to 35 years-old with a few years of outdoor experience or recent military experience under his belt. If you look at the rescue statistics in Grand Canyon NP as an example, you'll see youthful, testosterone-fueled, overconfidence featured as a common theme of the typical rescue, live or dead, from below the rim. To quote Will Rogers (probably not real accurately): "It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble; it's what you think you know that ain't so that does it".

Probably the second most likely candidate for rescue are old f@rts like me who are still in denial about getting older.

Take your bear spray, relax, don't worry about what others say, and have a great time.
May I walk in beauty.