Time Out.
Do I think a can of bear spray (even one as big as a fire hydrant) will save me? of course not. Do I think it is even likely that I will ever need it?? No. Will packing an extra few ounces on my belt make my trip more relaxed and enjoyable ?? It will for me. Try to remember I do not have your experience. The only point I was trying to make about stats and odds are that they do not really show the real picture. Experienced hikers such as yourselves reduce your risk of injury through hands on knowledge. I have no way of proving it but I believe most unfortunate accidents happen to inexperienced hikers. I do not wish to be one of those unfortunate ones, which is why I am here, to learn all I can before I go into the backcountry, where the real learning begins.

Jim .. you might try just a pinch of bellybutton fuzz in your oatmeal. It is actually .. well .. indescribable.