one last personal thought on bear spray. Again, this is just a perspective from someone with zero experience.
Should I experience a bear encounter, will I even realize it before I am facedown on the trail wearing a bear rug?
Probably not...but just maybe.
If I do see the bear coming will I have time to get to my pepper spray before he gets me?
Probably not...but just maybe.
If he pulls up short, growling and snapping his teeth, thus giving me time to get the pepper spray out, and then he charges. Will I be competent and calm enough to spray him?
Probably not...but just maybe.
Should he just want to scare me and then run off, will my heart be able to slow down enough to avoid exploding?
Probably not...but just maybe.
Seems to me that just maybe is all I have. To each his own, but I intend to carry it. A little peace of mind goes a long way.