Please note that I've just come from days of babysitting my grandchildren! Goldilocks tried Papa bear's bed- too big! Mamma bears bed - too soft! Baby bears bed- just right!

That goes for packs too. I try to go for "just right".

Each person is different; each situation is different. That is why I have many different packs, of all sizes and shapes.

Jim, you may be a big guy and can handle a big pack. I am a small woman, and believe me, size does matter! Compression sacks are my savior. I do not over-compress my sleeping bag, but do really compress my regular clothing and tent. It makes a huge difference. For 2-6 day trips (without bear cannister) I use a 2,400 pack, for 7-10 days with bear cannister I use a 3,000 pack and for 10+ days with bear cannister and a lot of food weight, I use my external Kelty - size varies depending on the size of my stuff sacks.