
its a matter of degree. There's sharp and then there's sharp. I say if you can't run the blade sideways over your skin without cutting, its too sharp for camping, especially going solo unless you need to skin game. (Unless your are an edged tool professional). People think razor sharp is really sharp - its not, nor are scalpels that sharp and for a reason. A scalpels imperfection leaves a more ragged edge than a micro-tome, and those edges are where wound closure starts from. A cut from an extremely sharp tool does not stop bleeding on its own, a cut from a lightly sharpened blade does.
You guys should read some medical literature or even read the quotes that I posted elsewhere from medical literature - a slightly ragged cut closes and heals faster than one from an extremely sharp tool. For this reason surgeons like to make atleast the first opening cuts with a scalpel, so the wound will close more quickly. They mak use other sharper tolls while insde.

These are my own opinions based on wisdom earned through many wrong decisions. Your mileage may vary.