Originally Posted By Bearpaw
I spent 9 1/2 years as a Marine and have consumed MANY MRE's.
Thanks for your service thanks

but I really like the cherry nut cake and cheese spread that came with them. No matter what you do, don't bother with the cardboard crackers, the one truly foul part of every MRE.[/quote] Funny you say this because I have the opposite tastes. I have a friend in the reserves that gives me a case of MRE's every time he's out (He's in a mobile unit and they haul there own food around) I can't eat any of the cheese products..I can taste the vitamins and it makes me gag. But I always eat the crackers and peanut butter. They are great trail snacks.

I really liked chicken stew, cheese tortellini, and tuna with noodles.
My fav's are the chow mein (Only found one of those and it had a lot of black pepper) and the solid meats...ham, chicken.

The best addition is the ziplock for heating a cup of coffee. I toss a heater, ziplock, small straw, and an instant coffee (Usually the coffee with creamer and sugar that I buy in asian stores) in my fishing gear. It's a nice pick me up whenever I'm on a high country lake far from camp