You are correct that you are offering video services, not guiding services. We are a bit sensitive here to first time posts that look like commercial ventures of some sort. Whether your post is in technical violation of the rules here, the moderators will decide. I don't see that you are really in violation of the intent or spirit of the policies and personally -- on second look -- dont really have a problem with the fact that the site you are sharing pictures with us also has services for hire available. Historically, we have been supportive of "cottage industries" and it would seem you fall into that category, if anything.

Thanks for the clarification and correction of my impressions. I did enjoy the photos. I hope you don't feel put off by the way the quality of this site is somewhat jealously guarded by members here as well as the moderators.

Welcome, and I hope to see more photos and trip reports in the future.
Human Resources Memo: Floggings will continue until morale improves.