Originally Posted By jasonlivy
Originally Posted By hikerduane
Any new stuff! you gotta have this coming year?

I want to pick up a Neo Air mattress from Cascade Designs. Did you see the link on the right for Nemo? They have a new two layer pad. I see the small pack makers have made improvements on packs, not new technology in my opinion, just improvements. Anything not mentioned around here, I'm not into electronic gadgets.

edited, my other left. Doh!
The Neo Air Pad is the best pad I've ever used. I've spent about 3 weeks backpacking with it and have never slept better. Some would say the best part about this pad is how small and light it is, but I think the best part is how comfortable it is. It is nothing like other air-only mattresses mainly because of the horizontal baffles rather than vertical ones. This makes all the difference. It is also far more difficult to manufacture. There are over 130 baffles that make up this pad vs. 14ish on other air-only. I agree, once people do research on this pad, it will be one of the hot items to get for 2009. It's actually created a new catagory, ultra-light luxury grin.

They quote an R value of 2.5. Their Prolite is 2.2 and Prolite Plus is 3.8.

This is definitely a very interesting piece of gear. Thanks to O.P.for the heads up.
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