it's pretty hard to find any brand of tarptent without a sewn-in floor and full netting these days; you have to special order. "

Umm Ms Mouse could you set me straight please. I thought a shelter with a roof, and a sewn in floor and full netting aroound the sides was called a tent? I saw Bigfoots Henry Shire special tent last spring and it was just a two hoop tent, made of gossamer material. The fact is - tents have been around for so long that there is no such thing as a new design, only old designs made of lighter materials.

Somewhere there is a dividing line beween traditional tents made of rugged materials and which are heavier than the new tents made of very light materials. But the new tent rely a lot on hiking poles to complete "A" frame designs and then the hoops. crazy

I made a ten foot long tent from my siltarp and I call it my sil tent. The entire tent, cords and stakes in a stuff sack weighs 16 ounces. Its is bugproof and has a sewn in floor, but it only fits one person, it is not roomy like a floorless tarp.

The summer I spent BPing in California I had an 8x10 piece of plastic that cost around $1.50 and a $6.00 blue foam pad. I called the plastic tarp my ground cloth and I slept on top of it and if it rained I pulled the loose side over me. goodjob
These are my own opinions based on wisdom earned through many wrong decisions. Your mileage may vary.