Originally Posted By food
I assume that in an air ambulance you can count on air rescue within a short period of time. The aircraft would have an ELT that would bring help quickly.

Follow the rule of 3s.

You have live:
3 minutes without air
3 hours without shelter
3 days without water
3 weeks without food
3 months without love.

I think your gear should be about shelter - fire building, multi-tool to construct a shleter, saw to cut branches for insulation, etc.

Your exactly right, Shelter is our main concern up in our neck of the woods. stay sheltered and stay warm, wait for help and we will be found. The only other scenerio is when we have to leave the aircraft to get the patient because the safest LZ is miles from the patient. A couple of times a few crew members had to spend the night out in the field due to weather conditions not suitable for flight. They basically lived out of their pockets for 24 hours and were prepared. They were no wear for worse when the heli returned to pick everybody up.

On a different note. the saws that are provided in a leatherman are absolutely phenomonal. I can't believe what those little things can cut through. My personal favorite is a spestnaz special forces shovel. It can dig, chop, and french fry 3 different ways. I'm trying to convince everybody to keep one on the aircraft