Taking large risk should be a personal decision. The media today really glorifies pretty stupid stuff and is always going for the sensational stories. Those of us with some years and experience can read this stuff with both some admiration as well as realizing that even the foolish are lucky most of the time. We put it into context.

My concern is that our young are subjected to this sensaitional stuff all the time - thinking that what they see on TV is real. Yes, getting yourself killed doing a sensational stunt may get you fame. Taking a calculated risk (even if it is a high risk) once you are competent and have done your "homework" is one thing. To have the hubiris (SP?) to go out and assume you can do anything just because you got up Everest (with the help of a guides) is foolish. Perhaps calling them idiots is not OK. Calling them swayed by the media and foolish youth is appropriate. I sure would like to see a lot more media given to successful expeditions. But if everything goes OK, where is the drama? It is a sad story. I really feel for their parents and loved ones. And I doubt at the moment they died, the said "hey, cool". You do not need to hear a lot of details to make a fair bet that with their attitude that they were eventually going to get nailed.

This is a health and safety section of a forum that a lot of young folks view. I think we need to be responsible and not add to the glorification of the outrageous by the inexperienced.