I always brought my dog or dogs in, unless they were wet and were bad because of that. Part of the whole experience being that close to your dog while bping and bonding more. Bugs were usually worse on trips, so I brought my dogs in to give them some relief, also so I didn't have to tie them up, my male dobie would be after deer. Also, I would worry about the possibility of a run in with a porcupine, skunk or lion. If you have ever seen a dog running around, trying to get away from mosquitoes, black flies, you would take pity on them. With your g/f and two dogs, you have a heavy pack to carry. If the dogs are old enough, be sure to fit them with packs so they can at least carry their food. My dog or dogs always carried their food and my dirty clothes and garbage. With my lightweight bping now, they wouldn't have any dirty clothes to carry, I only have an extra shirt and underwear, haven't gone commando yet. The dogs will love their packs. After they get experienced with the pack, when you show the pack to them, they know what if means, getting outside!