I usually use the stuff that I make at home. I have a food dehydrator and I make things like spaghetti, broccoli and rice with dehydrated chicken thrown in and just different varieties that I have managed over the last few years. However with that being said, I think that if I was to resort to pre-packaged meals I would definitely go with Mountain House. I have tried a lot of the other brand and they just don't seem to be as tasty as Mountain House. Also I have found that if you follow the water instruction (as far as amount) that they recommend you usually come out with a soupy mess. It is much more efficient and much less expensive to do your own once you have incurred the expense of the dehydrator...sabre11004

The first step that you take will be of those that get you there !!!!!
The first step that you take will be one of those that get you there 1!!!!!