A Canadian lawyer went into the wilds of Canada to do some duck hunting. He was in the blind and shot a duck. The duck went over a fence and landed right next to an old farmer on his tractor. The farmer got off from his tractor, picked up the duck and proceeded on his way. The lawyer went over and demanded his duck. The farmer said that the duck had landed on his land so it was his. The lawyer proceeded to threaten the farmer with a lawsuit and informed the farmer that he was one of the top lawyers in Canada. The farmer said to hold on. Here in the country they settled such things with the three kick rule. The lawyer had never heard of the three kick rule so the farmer explained that the challenged party got to kick the other party three times then the challenger got three kicks etc. until one party gave up. The lawyer figured that what harm could an old codger like the farmer do so he agreed.

The farmer said that since he was the challenged party he got to go first. The farmer immediately kicked the lawyer in the crotch and while the lawyer was bent over kicked him in the stomach so that the lawyer lost all of his dinner. The farmer then went around behind the lawyer and kicked him into the mess. When the lawyer finally regained his composure the said, “OK you old coot now it is my turn” The farmer then said, “No I give up, you can have the duck”